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Apr 25, 2024

“kept as a secret among them [DEVI] 


When Dr. Leon Sterndale said there was only one known specimen of radix pedis dioaboli – devil's foot root – in a laboratory in Buda, it was clear that it was a poison unknown to science.  

Just what was it that was "used as an ordeal poison by the medicine-men in...

Apr 18, 2024

His collaboration may be very necessary” [ILLU] 


There's a curious phrase in the beginning of A Study in Scarlet that requires a little more consideration. Do you know what it is? John Ball, Jr. did. 

And his theory about what that phrase signified is an intelligent and plausible one, lifted from a 1954...

Apr 11, 2024

“we shall certainly have to go to Norwood [SIGN] 

The latest in our travel series takes us to Norwood. In particular, the Norwood in The Sign of Four. Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Mary Morstan take a cab to a seedier part of London, and then a four-wheeler south to Norwood.

How long would it have taken them?...

Apr 4, 2024

“consult me over that Manor House case [GREE] 

In addition to fascinating cases and clients, the Sherlock Holmes stories saw some wonderful house names. How did some of them get their names?
We look at the history of house names, call out the story names that were also house names, and mention a few of our...