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Sep 25, 2019

"he was bearded" [SIGN]


Well this is embarrassing. As we finished our editing and prepared to leave for a business trip, we realized one critical fact about this topic: we've already talked about it (in Episode 105).

Nevertheless, we suggest you listen and perhaps compare and contrast the two episodes. Yes, there may...

Sep 18, 2019

“he still made India too hot to hold him” [EMPT] 

India is a wonderful land. And it plays a part in a number of Sherlock Holmes stories. Certainly, it's a center point in The Sign of Four, but where else do we find the influence of India in the Canon? 


In our regular feature of international influences in...

Sep 11, 2019

“I'm a bit of a single-stick expert, as you know” [ILLU] 

In listing Sherlock Holmes's limits in A Study in Scarlet, Dr. Watson indicates that Holmes is something of an amateur sportsman: "11. Is an expert singlestick player, boxer, and swordsman."

In this latest entry in our Games and Sports series, we look...

Sep 4, 2019

“Let us escape from this weary workaday world by the side door of music.” [RETI]  

Sherlock Holmes took a great interest in musicians and concerts, mentioning a few by name in the Canon. 

In the last episode, we discussed composers and their works; this time, it's off to violin-land where all is sweetness and light....