Dec 26, 2018
The holidays typically bring a bounty of food, followed by solemn pledges to exercise and take better care of ourselves in the new year.
What do we know about Sherlock Holmes and his eating habits? He was thin, but did that mean he didn't have an...
Dec 19, 2018
We often fixate on the famous cases like the Giant Rat of Sumatra, James Phillimore and his umbrella, or Wilson, the notorious canary trainer. But there are times when some trifling detail escapes our notice.
In this, the final episode of our Unpublished Cases...
Dec 12, 2018
It's not often that we have our eyes cast downward at 221B Baker Street. There are so many interesting things to see at eye-level: the Persian slipper, the chemistry set, the patriotic 'VR' on the wall. But there were floor coverings in the famous flat.
In this, the final...
Dec 5, 2018
The Sherlock Holmes canon is a wonderful snapshot of the times. In particular, we get a good sense of the kinds of transportation that conveyed citizens around London and its environs.
The hansom cab is probably the most well-known, but there are a number of...
Nov 28, 2018
From the Gramophone to the telephone, November seems to be quite the month of technology here on Trifles.
Yes, even though Holmes did most of his work in the late 19th century, there were opportunities to use the newfangled voice-to-voice communications...