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Jun 26, 2019

“a member of an aristocratic club” [BERY]   

From golf clubs to gentlemen's clubs... 

Ask any Sherlockian to name a club in the Canon and they'll invariably say the Diogenes Club (that's right after Tonga's club. You don't have to be a Penang lawyer to get that one.). And there were a number of fictional clubs as...

Jun 19, 2019

"It is always a joy to meet an American." [NOBL] 

Americans have been avid fans of Sherlock Holmes since the earliest days. The novels were pirated and the short stories were syndicated to reach millions of American readers. 

And Sherlock Holmes himself was a fan of Americans. There's a wide variety of Americans and...

Jun 12, 2019

“'Fore God, Mr. Holmes, it’s all right,” [SHOS]  


Sherlock Holmes and golf don't necessarily go together. That is clearly represented by the few times that the sport is mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes stories.


His creator, Arthur Conan Doyle, had a few connections to golf. Together, we explore these scant...

Jun 5, 2019

“Light-houses, my boy! Beacons of the future!” [COPP]  


We first hear of boarding-schools in "The Naval Treaty," in which Watson mentions his fellow alumnus Percy Phelps, who needs Sherlock Holmes's help. And of course, the Priory School (from the adventure of the same name) is private boarding school of...