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Dec 27, 2017

"compliments of the season" [BLUE] 


"The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" is one of the more well-known stories in the Canon. And yet we're presented with a few trifling issues, including the color of the gem.


But beyond that, we have a victim and perpetrators who didn't seem to have thought through things to their...

Dec 20, 2017

"there was peace in our hearts" [SIGN] 


Peace in the canon. Reading the Sherlock Holmes stories to find peace is something like going to Casablanca for the water. 

     "But there are no waters in Casablanca." 

     "I was misinformed."


Regardless, during this season of peace, we reflect on moments — even if...

Dec 13, 2017

"what a chorus of groans, cries and bleatings" [REDC] 


Agony column. Agony column? To the modern reader, that term might be unfamiliar. Well, at least it would be unfamiliar with the reader who is new to the Sherlock Holmes stories. The first time we come across Holmes using the agony column is in The Sign of...

Dec 6, 2017

"You have a grand gift of silence, Watson" [TWIS]  


When Cyril Overton sent a telegram to Sherlock Holmes, proclaiming the status of Godfrey Staunton, it was met with puzzlement. And even after Overton arrived at Baker Street, Holmes was still puzzled. We know that he had his "limits," based on Watson's famous list...

Nov 29, 2017

"you have been caught in the act" [BERY]

One of the general bits of enjoyment of the Sherlock Holmes stories is the denouement in which Sherlock Holmes apprehends the criminal. In some instances, he does so after the crime has been committed; in other instances, no crime has been committed. 

But what about those delicious...